Wednesday, September 24, 2008

bloggis refletion

Something that I am most proud of about my blogs is that I tried very hard in finding information and putting it in a way that I understand them. There were times when I would get frustrated with the blogs because I thought that I was unable to understand the different topics,I am very proud of myself so in future blogs I will be able to do it without having faith in myself.Blogging has impacted my understanding on the U.S because I have a better understanding on a lot of things. I've learned a lot about John Mc Cain and Barak Obama and what they plan on doing if they become the president of the United States of America. what ways can we connect our blogs? I think we can better connect our blogs by maybe doing a little act on what we wrote, videos I think that would help because that will show that we understand what we wrote

Thursday, September 18, 2008

beliting Palin?

Belittling Palin!!
A McCain-Palin TV ad accuses Obama of being "disrespectful" of Palin, but it distorts quotes to make the case.

The McCain-Palin campaign has released a new TV ad that distorts quotes from the Obama campaign. It takes words out of context to make it sound as though the Democratic ticket is belittling Palin:

  • The ad says "they said she was doing 'what she was told.' " But the Obama adviser who's being quoted didn't accuse Palin of meekly following orders. What he actually said is that she made a false claim about Obama's legislative record and added, "maybe that's what she was told."

  • It says "they lashed out at Sarah Palin; dismissed her as 'good looking,' " But "they" didn't lash out at all. Obama – who is the one pictured – didn't say anything like that. The only one the McCain campaign quotes is Obama's running mate, Biden, and he actually offered the remark as a compliment. Biden said the "obvious" difference between Palin and himself is "she's good looking."

  • The ad says Obama was "disrespectful" when he accused Palin of "lying" about her record. But the truth is Palin's claim to have "said no" to the "bridge to nowhere" is indeed a dubious one, as we and many have pointed out.

This article is very interesting to me because the media try's to distort what they are really trying to say.

Equal pay for Equal work

The Deceleration of Independence states that "All men are created equal, but is that really true today? I disagree because in the article that I read it was talking about how this woman was getting paid less than the other male workers, she later field a lawsuit and the told her that they couldn't do nothing about it because she waited to long. In Obama's plan he wants it to be fair so that if anyone may have a similar situation they can file a lawsuit and that it will be accepted no matter how long they take to file a lawsuit.

Enlightenment: Obahma/McCain

Mc Cain's perspective comes from a pre-Enlightenment point of view where money equalls power. Obama comes from an Enlightenment poit of view where the common man has equal power in the issue of housing,

Mc Cain :"Initially opposed large-scale federal assistance But more recently called for the government to help qualified homeowners with subprime mortgages refinance and get federally guaranteed 30-year mortgages; opposes lower down payment on F.H.A. mortgages; Justice Department should investigate lenders".

Obama:"Create new F.H.A. program to make it easier to convert subprime loans to fixed-rate, 30-year loans; create a fund to help people avoid foreclosures; require better disclosure from lenders".

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Different perspective

Tania Gray


Federalists are people who believe in big government. They think that government can solve health care and education problems. For example, not everyone has health care. They can’t go to the doctor when they’re sick. That’s just not fair or right. Obama think that everyone should have access to health care. What if your baby is sick? Obama says that we should have “Mandatory coverage for children.” All children will be able to go to the doctor. A lot of things can happen depending upon your situation. If you don’t get the medicine you need in time, then things may happen. Depending upon the person’s situation and how sick they are, they could die.

The United States is the richest country in the world. You can have the richest country but not have the right doctors. Not all doctors know what they’re doing. They might not follow the right steps. According to the Center for Disease Control,the United States ranks 17th in average life expectancy on a list of 33 developed nations, while Japan holds the lead.” People have to take care of themselves too, they can’t just rely on doctors and we may not eat as healthy or exercise as much as other countries do. However, people should still have health care.

Anti-Federalists are basically against what the federalists are proposing. They don’t think that problems can be solved by government. For example, McCain thinks that there should be “no mandate for universal coverage.” If everyone doesn’t have universal coverage, then they don’t have health care.

McCain believes in No Child Left Behind. It says that students need to take tests to show how much they’ve learned. Taking tests are necessary, but teachers don’t always teach what’s on the State Test. Teachers should teach things they know what’s on the test or students should tested on things that the teachers teach them in class. I am an anti-federalist in education, but a federalist with healthcare.


Health Coverage

Proposal to Expand Coverage

Require employers to provide insurance or contribute to the cost, but exempt smallest businesses, and reimburse all employers for catastrophic health costs.

Provide subsidies for low-income people.

Create purchasing pool with choice of competing private plans and one public plan like Medicare.

Make plans portable from job to job.

Expand Medicaid and State Children’s Health Insurance Program.

Prohibit insurance companies from denying coverage to people with health problems or charging them higher rates.

"Ninety-five percent of our plans are similar. [Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and I] both want to set up a system in which any person is going to be able to get coverage that is as good as we have as members of Congress. And we are going to subsidize those who can't afford it. We're going to make sure that we reduce costs by emphasizing prevention. And I want to make sure that we're applying technology to improve quality, cut bureaucracy. Now, I also want to make sure that we're reducing costs for those who already have health insurance. So we put in place a catastrophic reinsurance plan that would reduce costs by $2,500 per family per year.

"So we've got a lot of similarities in our plan. We've got a philosophical difference, which we've debated repeatedly, and that is that Senator Clinton believes the only way to achieve universal health care is to force everybody to purchase it. And my belief is, the reason that people don't have it is not because they don't want it but because they can't afford it. And so I emphasize reducing costs."

— Democratic debate, Feb. 21, 2008

Quality Affordable Health Care for All by the End of Barack Obama's First Term in Office

MC Cain

Health Care


Sees controlling health costs as a top priority.

Make plans portable from job to job and accessible across state lines.

Provide $2,500 tax credits for individuals and $5,000 for families to buy their own insurance.

Eliminate the tax deductibility of employer-sponsored health insurance.

Move to compensate medical providers based on the quality of their work.

Bring greater competition to drug markets by safe re importation of drugs and streamlining the process for introducing generic drugs.

Offer federal assistance for states to create high-risk pools that would contract with insurers to cover consumers who have been rejected on the open market.

"The biggest problem with the American health care system is that it costs too much. ... Businesses and families pay more and more every year to get what they often consider to be inadequate attention or poor care."
— Des Moines, Oct. 11, 2007

Monday, September 8, 2008

John McCain

Alaskan Is McCain’s Choice; First Woman on G.O.P. Ticket

Published: August 29, 2008

I think that John McCain is someone who wants others to feel his pain. If I can recall he used to fight in the war. It seems to me that he wants everyone to feel sorry for him since he fought in the war. I feel that when he fought in the war it was very different compared to today's society. When he hired Sarah Pallin I was very surprised because she was a women. Usually guys hire men.After a couple of days I heard that her daughter was pregnant I was stunned to hear that. She is allowing her daughter to have the baby when she is a baby herself, also I was disappointed to hear that her and her boyfriend plan on getting married which I think that is totally unnecessary because the boy may not really want to get married to her. This connects to our class because we were talking about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. By John McCain being our president, I feel like he might not let that happen.