Tuesday, October 21, 2008

hard work doesn pay off !!!

This picture shows slave and prisoners working in the fields

Prison labor is the same as slave labor in many ways. One reason prison labor and slave labor are the same is because they are get punished if they don’t work. They are similar because they both have racism involved. Another reason prison labor and slave are the same is that with prison labor do not get paid for what they do.

One reason prison labor and slave labor are the same is because they are get punished if they don’t work. According to Howard Zinn, slaves were beaten if they didn’t work, “the whippings, the punishment, were work discipline.” They didn’t have a choice. When prisoners don’t work, they may be beaten or they have things taken away like phone privileges. On the other hand, if slaves didn’t work, they could be killed. In prison, if the prisoner doesn’t work, they get penalized.

They are similar because they both have racism involved. The slaves were all African American. They weren’t treated like others, such as Caucasians. In prisons today, you have to be in a gang in order to survive. They are created by race. In “The Number of Blacks in Prison” Louise D. Palmer writes, “We're incarcerating an entire generation of people. African Americans contribute about 50% of all prison inmates when they are only 13 percent of the U.S. population.”

In conclusion prison labor and slave labor are similar because they both work for different people.


Monday, October 6, 2008


In my opinion I think that Barak Obama does a good job with public speaking.When Barak Obama and McCain were talking about the war and other things I could see that they were just going back in forth, saying you do this and that. Mc Cain had problems pronouncing people's and thats not good because if you want to be the president of the United States of America you need to know how to pronounce people's name so that was a big turn off.Barak Obama has a lot of confidence in him self so he makes and effort to do his best in everything.Randy I hope I did this correcly,if I didn't I'm sorry